FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: method involves preparing root aqueous infusions (root exudates), with roots of healthy germs and of germs infected with agent of disease being used as plant object; detecting their natural luminescence and that induced by hydrogen peroxide; differentiating sorts of wheat as to their resistance to cereal root rotting disease by variations in luminescence; growing germs for 10-14 days; separating roots from germs and preparing aqueous root exudates; detecting their natural luminescence and that induced by 1-3%-hydrogen peroxide solution; calculating response of sort of wheat to infection by ratio: K=1o/1k, where 1o is induced luminescence of root exudates normalized to natural luminescence under test; 1k is induced luminescence of root exudates normalized to natural luminescence under control. When K <1, sort of wheat is considered as relatively disease resistant. Method allows resistance of sorts of wheat to agents of disease, such as root rotting agent, to be estimated at early stages of organogenesis. EFFECT: increased efficiency and intensified selection process. 2 tbl, 1 ex