FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to analysis and detection of body tissues using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). System for non-invasive tissue analysis comprises a non-ferromagnetic hand probe configured to distinguish between nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Magnetic field source in the probe excites a homogeneous unchangeable magnetic field within the tissue volume within the time and comprises an inductance coil which receives HF excitation signals in a specific frequency range related to the magnetic field strength, thereby generating excitation signals extending perpendicular to direction of magnetic field lines and magnetising live tissue section, characterized by depth and thickness, determined by field strength, wherein only living tissue in each slice generates a response to nuclear spin echo signals. Control unit generates time patterns of excitation signals and obtains data characterizing nuclear spin echo signals from live tissue, determines relaxation curves characterized by time constants T1, T2, and performs statistical treatment of relaxation curves to determine the type of tissue excited by the probe.
EFFECT: technical result is portability of the probe for determining the tissue type in real time during surgical operation.
31 cl, 5 dwg