FIELD: space technology.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the power supply of a spacecraft. The method includes measurements of the current solar flux, the angles of its incidence on the surface of solar panels (SP) and the current generated by the SP. At the same time, the front surface (FS) of the SP is deployed close to the direction of the Sun, and the spacecraft is placed in the position of full illumination of the FS by the Sun. At least n-1 SP out of their total number n are deployed so that the angle between the direction to the Sun and the normal to the rear surface of the SP is less than the specified acute angle. The total current of the SP is measured at time intervals when the points of intersection of the line of the Earth’s horizon visible from the spacecraft with the planes in which the SP lie are on the shadow part of the Earth’s surface, and the component of the current from the illumination of the SP by the light flux emanating from the Earth does not exceed the error of current measurement. The efficiency of a separate SP is estimated by the value of its current obtained from measurements of the total current of the SP at the mentioned time intervals in at least n different combinations of the specified positions of the SP. Moreover, at least in one of the combinations, the FS of one SP and the back of the other SP are facing the Sun.
EFFECT: determining the characteristics of individual solar panels.
1 cl, 2 dwg