FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of radio engineering. This effect is achieved by the fact that several carrier frequencies are simultaneously transmitted in the method. To extract signals, a signal processing method with modulation by frequency or phase shift is used. Each of the carrier frequencies is further modulated with amplitude modulation during a clock period. The transmitted digital data is divided into fragments that contain a predetermined number of information symbols. The signal is modulated by a modulation method with a frequency or phase shift in accordance with the input binary data sequence. Symbols belonging to one fragment are modulated using one of N distortion functions used to distort the waveform. The number of the used distortion function is determined in accordance with the value of the random number, which is generated in the transmitting station synchronously with the receiving station by the pseudo-random (PRG) code generator. At the receiving station, the received signal is demodulated in accordance with the frequency or phase shift modulation method used, demodulated in accordance with the number of the used distortion function, which is determined in accordance with a random number generated in the receiving station of the PRG codes, which is identical to the PRG codes of the transmitting station.
EFFECT: increasing the security of transmitted information from unauthorized reception by information extraction systems using the individual structure of emitted signals.
1 cl, 5 dwg