FIELD: medicine; ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: viscoelastic is introduced into the anterior chamber, the IOL is implanted and fixed, and phacoemulsification is performed. Before the introduction of viscoelastic, a corneal tunnel incision is made for 11 hours, the IOL is implanted over the native lens and fixed by suturing to the iris. Then three ports are installed: at 11 o'clock — for the introduction of the 23G vitreotome, at 1 o'clock — for the 25G illuminator, at 5 o'clock — for 25G irrigation, anterior vitrectomy is performed, followed by the transfer of the native lens to the fundus. Next, a posterior subtotal vitrectomy is performed, in which the luxed lens is released from the vitreum fibres, before the phacoemulsification stage, 1.5 ml of PFOS is injected into the eye cavity. The 23G port is removed at 11 h and the 21G ultrasonic tip needle without irrigation sleeve is inserted into the sclerotomy. Transciliary phacoemulsification and aspiration of the native lens are performed, after which PFOS is removed with an aspiration cannula and the ports are sutured. In a particular case, the IOL is sutured to the iris by two arches. In a particular case, a posterior chamber three-frequency IOL is used.
EFFECT: reduction of the risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications, traction of the vitreous body of the peripheral parts, iatrogenic ruptures, retinal detachment, reduction of the time of the operation with high rates of treatment efficiency.
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