FIELD: protective polymer technology.
SUBSTANCE: protective polymer sheet is proposed, wherein said polymer sheet contains perforations and attached dividers to allow air and water circulation when the sheet is in use. The sheet protects the underlying structures from damage while allowing moisture to move between the protective polymer sheet and the underlying structure 300 by providing a gap 500 between the sheet and said structure. The protective polymer sheet includes a plurality of perforations 120 extending through the sheet and a plurality of spacers 400, each spacer extending from a bottom surface of the sheet adjacent to one side of each perforation. Spacers are formed by perforating the polymer sheet. The protective polymer sheet is useful in a number of applications including, but not limited to: pipeline protection; replacement of geotextiles in the processes of heap leaching; underlying coverings of sandboxes and paving stones; covering of the underlying layer in greenhouses; production of industrial or domestic gutter covers; as a filter.
EFFECT: pipeline protection; replacement of geotextiles in the processes of heap leaching; underlying coverings of sandboxes and paving stones; covering of the underlying layer in greenhouses; production of industrial or domestic gutter covers; as a filter.
20 cl, 9 dwg