FIELD: technical physics.
SUBSTANCE: invention can be used for qualimetry of digital optoelectronic systems (DOES) for remote sensing of the Earth (ERS) during flight tests of DOES ERS. The essence of the claimed method for estimating the linear resolution on the ground (LRG) of the DOES remote sensing using the adaptive threshold contrast index (ATCI) is as follows. A graph of the experimental modulation transfer function (MTF) of the DOES ERS is constructed by implementing the known method for determining the MTF of the DOES ERS, which involves analysing images obtained during flights of an aircraft equipped with DOES ERS for aerial photography of the area with line worlds located on it. The LRG of the DOES ERS is determined based on the results of deciphering by operator-decipherers of the line world images, based on which the graph of the experimental MTF is constructed. The spatial frequency corresponding to the obtained LRG value is calculated. The calculated ATCI is used to evaluate the LRG of the centralized remote sensing system when using the calculated MTF without performing flights. For this purpose, the calculated MTF is determined as the product of analytical expressions of the partial MTF of individual links of the remote sensing central power system. Next, a graph of the calculated MTF of the DOES ERS is constructed, on which the spatial frequency is determined and then the resulting value of the spatial frequency is recalculated into the LRG value.
EFFECT: reduction in the number of LEs required to evaluate LRG.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl