FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates namely to the design of the external and internal walls of low-rise buildings and can be used in the construction of low-rise buildings. The method for constructing the external and internal walls of low-rise buildings has the following sequence of actions: forming the lower frame of external and internal walls on the foundation. At the ends of the profiled logs of the lower frame, a cut is made at an angle and they are joined together, placing the insulation at the junction, between the profiled logs. The lower frame is secured to the foundation with fasteners. The surface of the lower frame is levelled and forms the installation surface for the external and internal wall studs, and insulation is laid on it at the locations of the studs. The studs for the external and internal walls of the required height are prepared by drilling holes for fasteners in them. The studs are mounted in the locations of window and door openings, along the length of the lower frame, as well as at its corners, connecting the studs with the lower frame through a gasket in the form of insulation based on polyester fibres and fixing their position with fasteners, while at each corner of the lower frame, several studs are placed perpendicular to each other so that the profiled logs of one wall mates with free-standing studs that do not experience the load from the profiled logs of the adjacent wall. Struts are installed on all studs of the external walls. The upper frame is formed on the studs of the external and internal walls. At the ends of the profiled logs of the upper frame, a cut is made at an angle and they are placed on the studs of the external and internal walls, joining the profiled logs together, placing insulation at the junction, between the profiled logs, and also at the junction of the profiled logs of the upper frame with the studs of the external and internal walls. The upper frame is fixed on the studs of the external and internal walls with fasteners. Profiled logs are prepared to fill the space between the racks of the external and internal walls. At the ends of the profiled logs filling the space between the studs of the external and internal walls, a groove is cut out to accommodate the insulation. Profiled logs are laid horizontally in the space between the posts, securing it with fasteners to the wall posts. The insulation is placed in the end grooves and on the horizontal surface of the profiled log along its length. To the studs of the external walls, on the outside, a lath is installed that is wider than the stud, with a gasket between the lath and the insulation stud, covering the joints of the horizontal profiled logs and the stud to eliminate vents.
EFFECT: reducing the time of construction of external and internal walls of low-rise buildings, reducing the material intensity of the wall structure and the labour intensity of the process of their construction, as well as increasing the efficiency of the method, minimizing heat loss from the internal space of the building.
1 cl, 3 dwg