FIELD: medicine; ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: sclerocorneal navigation fixation of toric IOLs is performed in case of manifested subluxation of the second degree. Navigation system is used to select the axis marking mode for the toric IOL—Z ALIGN and the limb marking. Toric IOL is pierced with polypropylene 8.0 suture along the lens cylinder axis marks, a flange is formed on the free edge of the suture with a thermocoupler and then pulling the suture up to the flange stop in the lens body, by means of guide cannula 20G of the needle, the sutures are staged through the IOL cartridge. IOL is threaded into the cartridge so that the filaments are above the lens, implanted into the capsular sac, leaving the filaments with needles outside the eye. Point at 2.5 mm from the limb marked by the navigation system along the axis projected by the navigation system is marked with a caliper. Then 29G needle is punctured at the marked point so that the needle tip passes above the capsular sac and under the iris; the suture with the needle is introduced into the anterior chamber through the main approach. Suture with the needle is then inserted into lumen of 29G needle and brought out together on the scleral surface. Similar manipulations are performed from the opposite side, then the suture with the needle is delivered sclerocorneally through the pre-formed paracentesis, suture with needle is cut, capsulorhexis is marked in navigation system. Capsulorhexis is formed with diameter of 6 mm, according to the capsulorhexis mark, the IOL is centered, after which a flange is formed at the end of the sutures fixing the IOL and immersed in the paracentesis.
EFFECT: method enables reducing the risk of deviation of the axis of the toric intraocular lens from the planned one, reducing the risk of IOL decentration, reducing the probability of developing inflammatory reactions, reducing the length of the surgical intervention, and improving visual functions.
1 cl, 1 ex