FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, can be used for cataract treatment in case of lens subluxation. Corneal tunnel incision, circular capsulorhexis, fixation of the capsular sac by the edge of the capsulorhexis with iris retractors through additional paracenteses in the area of maximally changed Zinn ligaments. First, an intracapsular ring (ICR) is implanted, having the form of an open ring, on the free ends of which there are through technological holes. Then ultrasonic phacoemulsification is performed, in the zone of maximally stretched Zinn ligaments there is additionally implanted part of intracapsular ring CK-2 with one annular process on inner diameter with one of ends of polypropylene filament pre-fixed by annular process. Intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted, the iris retractors are removed, the second end of the polypropylene monofilament is introduced with forceps through the corneal tunnel incision into the anterior chamber of the eye. Insulin needle is placed into a lumen ab interno, which is preliminarily introduced into a posterior chamber of an eye in a transscleral direction between an iris and a capsular sac. Needle is removed from the posterior chamber of the eye together with the polypropylene monofilament, carried out transscleral-trancorneally and introduced in the paracentesis area. Needle is withdrawn and the free end of the polypropylene monofilament is immersed into the paracentesis with its end singeing with a thermal stunner to form a flange.
EFFECT: invention provides prevention of postoperative astigmatism induced by off-centre IOL location.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 2 ex