FIELD: medicine; microbiology.
SUBSTANCE: what is presented is a Y. pseudotuberculosis 1834 strain containing the ypmA gene of the YPMa superantigen, the pilPQ gene of the adhesive “island” of pathogenicity of Yersinia YAPI, the genes irp2, fyuA “islands” of high pathogenicity HPI. Strain is deposited in the State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria of the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute Microbe of Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, No. Y. pseudotuberculosis KM 2156. Strain is intended for use as a reference strain of genetic group 1b.
EFFECT: invention enables differentiation of bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis of genetic group 1b by content of said virulence genes, which enables to establish a source of infection in the focus of disease and identify transmission factors, as well as monitoring circulation of strains in different territories.
1 cl, 1 dwg, 2 tbl