FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 1068 bacterial strain is recovered from a patient suffering pseudotuberculosis, deposited in the collection of the Russian Science and Research Antiplague Institute Microbe, No. KM 213 and is applicable as a test strain for differentiation of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria genetic group II. The characteristic of the strain is the content of chromosomal gene of the Y.pseudotuberculosis YPMa/YPMc (urtA/C) superantigen and the pVM 82 (dotO) plasmid of molecular weight 82MDa determined by PCR method.
EFFECT: invention shall enable epidemiologic study of sporadic and group cases of pseudotuberculosis: specifying an infection source in a hotbed of the disease and identifying transmission factors, as well as monitoring strain circulation at various territories.
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