FIELD: manufacture of building materials. SUBSTANCE: raw mixture for making cellular concretes contains, mass % : portland cement 21-56, siliceous aggregate 17-52, neonol based gas dispersion stabilizer modified with sodium lignosulfonate at a 1: 1 ratio, water - the balance. Process of making cellular concretes comprises proportioning of raw mixture constituents, their mixing, porisation of raw mixture, the porisation agent being added into mixing water. Method of fabricating cellular concrete structures comprises making raw mixture, erecting form or formwork, grouting raw mixture into them, shaping, and curing until gaining at least stripping strength, the raw mixture being grouted into form or formwork at the following constituent proportions, mass % : portland cement 21-50, siliceous component 17-52, neonol based gas dispersion stabilizer modified with sodium lignosulfonate at a 1: 1-0.35-1.5 ratio, water - the balance. Method of erection of buildings comprises fabrication and assemblage of at least part of structures or stricture systems made from cellular concretes having the following composition, mass % : portland cement 21-50, siliceous component 17-52, neonol based gas dispersion stabilizer modified with sodium lignosulfonate at a 1: 1-0.35-1.5 ratio, water - the balance. Method of erection of buildings implies that part of structures or their members are fabricated from cellular concrete in forms with the possibility of afterstripping partition using cutting tool, followed by delivery to project site and assemblage. Method of erection of buildings may imply that part of structures or structure systems are fabricated from cellular concretes monolithic and/or precast-monolithic in removable and/or permanent form- work preliminary assembled at the projected to be constructed. Cellular concrete features 700 kg/cu. m density, 4.8-6.2 MPa strength, 35 cycle freeze-thaw durability. EFFECT: improved concrete workability. 1 tbl, 6 cl