FIELD: nondestructive check of materials for determining the mechanical stresses in ferromagnetic materials. SUBSTANCE: loaded product under check is magnetized with the aid of magneto-elastic transducers installed in a spaced relation to the product, parameters of transducer output signals are measured, the first harmonic emf of transducer measuring windings is extracted; similar measurements are taken, magnetizing a similarly loaded standard piece by the same transducers, the standard piece being made of the material of the product under check and having its temperature; with due account made for the measured parameters mechanical stresses are determined; magnetization is performed within a frequency range from 10 to 30 Hz; used as parameters of output signals of the transducer measuring windings are the odd harmonics of emf and the numbers of Barkhausen abrupt changes; in measurement of the last parameter the first harmonic of emf is maintained constant for the given material, and mechanical stresses are determined by comparison of the measured parameters of the product under check and standard piece. EFFECT: facilitated procedure, enhanced accuracy of measurement of stresses in metalworks. 2 cl, 1 dwg