FIELD: proving ground tests of samples of armament and military equipment. SUBSTANCE: for determination of space coordinates of target n reference points are chosen, targets and reference points are sighted and photographed from N points with known coordinates, photographs are interpreted, reference points are identified, coordinates of reference points are measured in coordinate system which two axes lie in plane of photograph and third one is perpendicular to this plane and passes through center of photograph and space coordinates of target are calculated by coordinates of reference points known a priori and by measured coordinates of same reference points. For increase of accuracy of determination of coordinates direction cosines are additionally measured for each observation point between sighting lines to reference points and between directions passing through rear main point of photoregister and images of reference points, they are intercompared and direction cosines measured between directions passing through rear main point of photoregister and images of target and reference points are compensated by value of obtained difference, then space coordinates of object are determined by compensated values of direction cosines and known directions to reference points as point of crossing of right circular cones with vertex of each of them coinciding with observation point ands semispan of angle is equal to angle between directions to target and reference point. EFFECT: increased accuracy of determination of space coordinates of target.