FIELD: land reclamation. SUBSTANCE: this relates to land improvement, ecology and environmental control. According to method, created on ameliorated territory is multitude of various water basins as instrumental for regulation of air and soil humidity and also as habitation medium and watering place for animals. Built in streamlets is cascade of multitude of small dikes, and in small rivers - cascade of small ponds and large water storages with regulated water level in head races. Dikes, ponds and water storages are built primarily close to areas with dry and fresh conditions of plant growing, and tail races of hydraulic generating sets are arranged preferably on humid, temporarily overmoistened and permanently and continuously overmoistened lands. Beds of small rivers are periodically subjected to clearing and deepening over all their length including territories of ponds and sections between them. Degree of river bed deepening of each section of river is directly proportional to degree of soil moisture content in surroundings. Planted on coasts of water basins are trees, bushes, subshrub and/or grasses. EFFECT: high efficiency. 2 cl, 2 dwg