FIELD: underwater acoustics, determination of spatial coordinates and levels of pressure of discrete source of noise emittance of moving object. SUBSTANCE: optical hydrophone meant for solving of problem is manufactured in the form of two crossed narrow-field shadow devices with photoelectric recording of angular displacement of rays. Object passes above or under minimal distance between rays. Noise emitted by object is received first by ray nearest to it, then in time t1 = v/c, where V is speed of object, c is velocity of sound, by far ray. Outputs of both shadow devices are connected to correlator enabling noise underwater acoustic signal to be isolated against background of hydrophysical interference (pulsations of temperature and salinity). Due to immateriality of sensitivity zone the latter can be arranged during measurements by two orders closer to moving object as compared with customary underwater measuring aids which makes it possible to isolate low levels of hydroacoustic pressure obtained against background of high level of interference and to increase spatial resolution in determination of location of discrete sources of emitted noises on moving object. EFFECT: increased accuracy. 7 cl, 5 dwg