FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves making incision on the frontal surface of the gallbladder to Hartmann pouch. The contents of the gallbladder is taken away to clear its lumen. Hartmann pouch anterior wall is captured with endoclamp and pulled upward. The gallbladder walls are cleared as much as possible, the walls are dissected to back surface of the gallbladder. Hartmann pouch stump is formed. Stump mucosa and posterior gallbladder walls are treated with electrocoagulation. Z-shaped endosuture is put in on the stump. Concrements and dissected walls of the gallbladder are removed from the abdominal cavity. Subhepatic space is drained with two silicon tubes of 1 cm diameter in the right hypochondrium. The wounds are sutured. EFFECT: no traumatic complications. 2 dwg