FIELD: air filled device. SUBSTANCE: proposed method and devices are designed for tight connection of balloon necks after inflation and can be used in advertisement and sports arrangements. neck of balloon has opposite sections made for bringing them into intimate contact to form connection. Zone of inner surface of balloon neck made of latex has renewed latex surface spreading over larger part around inner surface of neck made for bringing opposite sections of renewed surface into direct contact to form latex-to-latex connection. Method of preparation of balloon neck for tight connection comes to the following: areas of inner surface of balloon neck made of latex are renewed, and neck is tightly connected by bringing opposite sections of renewed surface into direct contact to form latex-to-latex connection. Device for implementing proposed method has means for renewal of latex-material surface in area of inner surface of balloon neck made of latex. Method of preparation of assemblage of balloons for tight connection includes sorting out of stock of balloons into separate sorted out balloons, and device for implementing this method has for sorting out balloon stock and means for renewal of latex-material of each balloon. Method of preparation and inflation of balloons comes to the following: stock of balloons is sorted out, each separate balloon is inflated, and opposite sections of renewed latex-surfaces are brought into direct contact to form latex-to-latex tight connection. Device for implementing proposed method has means for sorting out stock of balloons, means for blowing up each separate balloon after sorting out, and means for tight connection of each balloon after inflation. Method of and device for inflation and tight connection of balloons includes additionally inflation operation and means for inflating each balloon after sorting out. EFFECT: reduced weight of balloon. 36 cl, 15 dwg