FIELD: mining industry; concentration of gold-containing sands of different degree of washability. SUBSTANCE: sluice box has main and at least two additional sections with riffles mounted in tandem with tilting relative to horizon. Angle between main and first additional section longitudinal axes is 10-17 deg. Each additional section consists of three members mounted at different angles in cross direction relative to inlet section and pulp flow. Riffles of plates of additional sections are laid in direction of additional section member turning side at angle of 10 -17 deg relative to plates of inlet section. Angle of turning of each member of additional section is equal to angle of cut-off of side edge of riffles of this member. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency of concentration of gold containing sands with different degree of washability owing to reduction of specific load of hard matter and increased degree of disintegration. 10 cl, 3 dwg