FIELD: medicine, oncology. SUBSTANCE: method involves analysis of patient peripheral blood where count of leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, segmentonuclear and rodnuclear leukocytes, theophylline-resistant lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and O-cells, spontaneous HCT-test and concentration of immunoglobulins A and M are determined. Then indices IKI1, IKI5, IKI6, IKI7, IKI8, IKI9 and IKI10 are calculated followed by measurement of malignant neoplasm size (D). Then the total count of malignant cells (OK) is calculated by the formula: OK = π x x D(E+3)(E+9)/6 where π = 1.31414926 and E is mantissa. Method ensures to determine the extent of oncopathology and optimize the curative process. EFFECT: increased precision of malignant neoplasm size assay and total count of malignant cells.