FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves measuring common use linear and circumferential sizes of body, arterial blood pressure on the right and left side as well as temperature and electrocardiogram intervals that are transformed into symmetry values according to wurf (W) and gold section (S) formulas W=(a+b)(b+c)/b/(a+b+c), S=X/(X+Y). The S and W values are equal to 0.618 and 1.309 in healthy and quiet state organism. Deviations from the mentioned constant values to the right or to the left being observed, deviation percent is to be calculated with + sign when greater than the constant value or - sign when less than the constant value and it is considered to be diagnostic criterium of adaptation and stressed adaptation state in locomotor, cardiovascular and respiration system. Temperature value is stiff constant which deviation limit is restricted to minimum. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness in acquiring data within the framework of children population health and development monitoring.