FIELD: methods for removal of sulfur compounds from sewage. SUBSTANCE: method comprises the following stages: feeding of sewage to the anaerobic digestion system, transformation of sulfur compounds to sulfide in the anaerobic digestion system, circulation of effluent containing sulfide from the digestion system to the bypass, having a stripper-system for extraction of sulfide from effluent, removal of sulfide from effluent by contacting with carrier gas in the stripper system, and transformation of sulfide to sulfur; sulfide is absorbed from the carrier gas by absorbing liquid in the absorption system, in a closed system the absorbing liquid is passed through the absorption system and recovery system; the absorbing liquid contains recoverable redox-solution, and this redox-solution has a pH-value within 4 to 7 preferably - about 6.5. The carrier gas is also passed in a closed system through the stripper-system and absorbing system. EFFECT: effective removal of sulfur compounds from sewage containing high concentration of sulfates (( > 500 gS/m3)). 21 cl, 1 dwg, 4 ex