FIELD: dynamic mass-spectrometry; hyperboloid mass-spectrometers. SUBSTANCE: method is based on confining space of ion trap within area z = 0, wherein ions of mass mo being analyzed perform unipolar oscillations along z axis and limited-amplitude two-polar ones, along r axis under impact of alternating electric field. Effective points of ions being analyzed are within stability region along sorting axis and deep inside stability region along other coordinate axes. Mass- spectrometer analyzer built around limited-area ion trap has end, annular, z = 0 plane confined hyperboloid electrodes, shielding electrode in the form of truncated cone, and semi-transparent semiconductor correcting electrode. Ions are produced under effect of ionizing electrons either inside or outside of analyzer. Dimensions of field-producing electrodes are chosen to ensure easy passage of electron beam. Phase of alternating field is coordinated with initial coordinates and speeds of particles. Sorted-out ions are brought out through hole in annular electrode. EFFECT: simplified design of analyzer, facilitated inlet and outlet of ions, improved mechanical and analytical characteristics of mass-spectrometer. 2 cl, 2 dwg