FIELD: applied microbiology. SUBSTANCE: vaccinal strain A/17/Sydney/97/76 (H3N2), which is reassortant, is obtained by cross-breeding of epidemic virus A/Sydney/5/97/ (H3N2) with cold-adapted temperature-sensitive virus A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2), which is attenuation donor. Strain A/17/Sydney/97/76 (H3N2) actively multiplies in developing chicken embryos at optimal temperature 33-34 C. Strain is characterized by temperature sensitivity and cold adaptability. Reassortant inherits two genes from epidemic virus, which encode surface proteins (gemmagglutinin and neuraminidase). It also receives six genes encoding non-glycosylated proteins from attenuation donor. Low degree of immunoreactivity of the strain meet requirements for strains for live influenzal vaccine for intranasal administration for adults. EFFECT: enabled prophylactics of epidemic influenza provoked by specific antigenic virus species. 1 tbl