FIELD: space engineering; orbital cable systems; textile and paper industries. SUBSTANCE: proposed regulator includes drum with flexible member, rocker arm on hinged support, rollers; two rollers are immovable and 9one roller is mounted on one arm of rocker; regulator includes also spring-loaded brake block mounted on other arm of rocker. Flexible member embraces first immovable roller, roller fitted on rocker arm and second immovable roller. Brake block is engageable with wheel connected with shaft of drum through step-down reducer. Spring compression force is equal to: where P is spring compression force; N is presser tension of flexible member; α is length of rocker arm with brake block. Relationship of main sizes of regulator corresponds to the following condition:
, where rmax is maximum radius of winding flexible member off drum; RK is radius of wheel; kmin is minimum sliding friction coefficient between brake block and wheel; n is reduction gear ratio and ε is permissible relative error of flexible member tension control. EFFECT: simplified construction and enhanced accuracy of regulation. 1 dwg