FIELD: production of fibers from carbonaceous resin. SUBSTANCE: method involves drawing fibers by means of at least one gas flow, with following additional drawing of fiber by additional gas flow creating stress in fiber, with flow rate of at least one additional gas flow exceeding fiber motion rate; directing fiber and additional gas flow through Venturi pipe and thermosetting fiber under stress. Additional gas flow may be exposed to dissipation by directing it and fiber through diffusion chamber, with following discharging and collecting of fiber. Resin may be heated to melting temperature and supplied into restrictor of fiber forming head. Apparatus has fiber-forming head having at least one restrictor with first carbonaceous resin inlet opening and second opening, from which carbonaceous resin is discharged in the form of fiber, device for exposing fiber discharged from restrictor to at least one fiber drawing gas flow, Venturi pipe arranged at distance of 0.5-254 cm under fiber-forming head and provided with through opening having open ends, and device for supplying second gas flow into first open end of through opening of Venturi pipe. Apparatus may be further equipped with diffusion chamber, which may be arranged under Venturi pipe. Fibers are produced from carbonaceous resins, including solvated mesophase resin. EFFECT: increased efficiency, simplified method and construction and enhanced reliability in operation. 13 cl, 2 dwg