FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves treating human organism in three stages. Manual therapy of the vertebral column are applying in parallel at the first, the third, the fifth day, multichannel electrostimulation treatment is applied daily during 10-15 days using a device for treating gastroenteric tract. To withdraw harmful impurities and toxic substances from the organism, cleaning water enemas containing two spoons of food salt, lemon juice and a garlic tooth are applied during 15 days from the beginning of intestine treatment with the devices. Enema volume is 1.5-2 l and its temperature is equal to 37-38 C. The second stage involves carrying out 3-4 sessions of liver cleaning once a week. The patient receives light breakfast and dinner food containing cooked cereal and a vegetable salad at the cleaning procedure day and warming with hot water bag is applied to the liver area for 2 h at 7 o'clock in the evening. Then olive oil with lemon juice is given in the amount of 170-200 ml heated to 37 C in 3-4 portions to be taken in small sips every 15-20 min. Cleaning enema heated to 37 C is administered next day in the morning. 10 min long psychoemotional therapy procedures are applied under physician control 3 times a day during 15 days at the third stage. Brain structures dealing with process regulation in the nervous system and visceral organs are stimulated. Intention suggestion formulations are given to the patient next to it. The patient suggests himself that the health improves every day, the organism is rejuvenated, the brain receives better blood supply and efficient control over the organism. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of treatment. 5 cl, 1 dwg