FIELD: measurement technology, high-molecular compound production, prediction of changes of physical properties of polymers under various operation conditions. SUBSTANCE: tested material with thickness d is placed at known temperature T into adaptive primary instrument converter connected to input of low-noise amplifier and incorporating n parallel potential electrodes. Maximum number nmax, of electrodes corresponding to maximum voltage of electric fluctuation across terminals of adaptive converter is established by change of number of electrodes connected in parallel to input of amplifier.
is measured, one primary converter is connected to input of amplifier, active additional resistor Rdm is connected in parallel to it and maximum value of mean-square voltage of electric fluctuation
across terminals of one primary converter mentioned-above corresponding to Rdm, is found. Rdm is measured, value of fluctuation dielectric permittivity ε′ and loss tangent of dielectric are computed by measured data. Said procedure establishing dielectric characteristics of polymer materials make it feasible to expand substantially experimental potential of analysis of high-molecular compounds. EFFECT: increased accuracy of measurement of dielectric characteristics stipulated by internal fluctuation electromagnetic field of polymer dielectric.