FIELD: veterinary science. SUBSTANCE: the method deals with blood stabilization with 3.8%-sodium citrate at the ratio of 1 part of anticoagulant and 4 parts of blood, incubation in the state of rest at 39 C, mixing the blood with a dyestuff at 3 : 1 ratio laminally in closed volume for 30 sec, dyeing with 1%-cresyl blue brilliant solution prepared upon physiological solution, at pH = 2.95-3.0 for 40 min under room conditions. Then smears should be prepared to be fixed with methanol. Reticulocytes should be calculated per 1000 erythrocytes according to maturity groups by applying an analyzer of pictures. The suggested method enables to detect reticulocytes of 1, 2, 3, and 4 types and erythrocytes, as well. EFFECT: high efficiency. dwg, 1 ex, 2 tbl