FIELD: medicine, electrocardiography.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with measuring parameters of electrocardiosignal (ECS) ST-segment and their analysis to detect deviations against the norm. At every step of quantization one should form the readings of first-order differences and modules of first-order differences. One should memorize N of readings for the modules of first-order differences coming after ECS readings that correspond to the onset of cardiocycle. Then it is necessary to sum up memorized values of modules and at every step of quantization one should compare the obtained current sum value with previous one. It is necessary to memorize the greater of them and according to maximal value one should form threshold level to compare current value of modules sum. Time moments when sum value is at first greater and then lower against threshold level one should consider to be, correspondingly the onset and the end of ST-segment. Time segment between the onset and the end of ST-segment should be considered as duration of ECS ST-signal. Device to isolate ECS ST-signal on-line contains a block for forming ECS, a block for primary ECS processing, a quantization block, a block for isolating the point of cardiocycle onset and measurement of its duration, a block to form first-order differences, a block to form modules of first-order differences, a block to memorize readings for the modules of first-order differences, a block to detect the number of summarized readings for the modules of first-order differences, a summarizing block, a block to form a threshold level, a block for comparison and a key device. The innovation enables to isolate ST-segment more reliably for wider class of electrocardiograms at different modifications of QRS-complex form.
EFFECT: higher efficiency.
2 cl, 12 dwg