FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves determining magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium, chlorides, thyrotropic hormone concentration and acid phosphotase activity. Deviation percentage relative to reference values is calculated using predetermined regional normal value medians taken for reference values from formula a=A*100/K, where a is the deviation percentage of parameter under study from regional value medians; A is the concentration of parameter under study in particular patient; K is the regional value median of parameter under study being variant value located in the center of variational series received when investigating the value in healthy people group living in given region. Magnesium increase being found greater than 3%, copper greater than 5%, zinc greater than 3%, acid phosphotase activity greater than 15%, calcium reduction being greater than 5%, chlorides greater than 5%, thyrotropic hormone greater than 10%, osteomyelitis development prognosis is considered to be unfavorable.
EFFECT: high accuracy of prognosis.
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