FIELD: medicine, angiosurgery.
SUBSTANCE: one should fulfill rotational osteotrephination of limb's bones followed by carrying out pharmacotherapy. Moreover, at inferior limbs it is necessary to conduct tibial osteotrephination in metaepiphyseal parts together with metatarsal bones of inferior limbs and each toe's phalanx. At superior limbs one should fulfill osteotrephination of metacarpal bones and each finger's phalanx by moving from proximal phalanx towards distal one successively. Moreover, in case of symmetrical arterial lesions in limbs osteotrephination should be fulfilled in single stage and then, one should inject 0.5%-novocaine solution at the dosage of 20 ml followed by 20%-sodium oxybutyrate solution at the dosage of 10 ml once/3 d, intramuscularly, into area of maximal ischemic pains in every affected limb alternately, the course consists of 10 procedures. The innovation suggested enables to increase the volume of collateral muscular-periosteal blood circulation and reconstruct functional activity of affected limbs.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.
4 dwg, 2 ex, 2 tbl