FIELD: chemical industry; methods and the devices for manufacture of the thermoplastic pipe with double walls and the coupling box.
SUBSTANCE: the invention is pertaining to the method and the device for manufacture of the thermoplastic pipe with double walls and the coupling box. The method provides, that the first pipe is extruded into the molding tunnel containing at least one row of the molds directed along the trajectory. Then the first pipe is put into the corrugated shape at least in one of the first areas and is expanding the pipe up to the coupling box at least in one of the second areas. The second pipe is extruded into the first pipe and pressed to the cavity of the corrugations of the first pipe. While the first pipe is put into the corrugated shape and the second pipe is extruded into the first pipe, the space between the two pipes is exposed to action of the pressure of p1, which exceeds the atmosphere pressure. Before expansion of the first pipe up to the coupling box the space between the two pipes is exposed to the action of the pressures of p2 <pl. At that the pressure p2 is the variable value, but the variable is not continuously diminishing. In the process of extrusion of the second pipe into the first pipe, which has already been expanded up to the coupling box, the second pipe is subjected to the action of the pressures p3 inside it, which exceeds the atmospheric pressure, and press the second pipe to the first pipe. Then again they pump the pressure p1 into the space between the two pipes. The invention also presents the description of the device for realization of the method. The invention ensures the accurate molding of the coupling box by the simple means.
EFFECT: the invention ensures the accurate molding of the coupling box by the simple means.
16 cl, 8 dwg