FIELD: power electronic devices.
SUBSTANCE: proposed semiconductor power module has module package incorporating current-carrying cover wafer and current-carrying base wafer disposed essentially in parallel with cover wafer, as well as package insulating wall disposed between cover wafer and base wafer; semiconductor power circuit disposed within module package that incorporates at least two power leads of which one is electrically connected to cover wafer and other one, to base wafer, and also at least two leads brought out of module package, one of them being electrically connected to cover wafer; essentially flat printed-circuit board with at least two layers that protrudes from module package; two leads of semiconductor power circuit are made in the form of printed-circuit conductors, one being control-lead conductor and other one, cover wafer conductor, both actually disposed in parallel with printed-circuit board base on opposite ends of board; the latter is mechanically secured on cover wafer by means of fastening member so that cover wafer lead conductor disposed on printed-circuit board end facing cover wafer is electrically connected to cover wafer.
EFFECT: enhanced stability of semiconductor module and reduced inductance of its contacts.
4 cl, 6 dwg