FIELD: medicine, psychiatry.
SUBSTANCE: one should carry out electroencephalographic (EEG) testing to conduct amplitude and frequency analysis of EEG and detect space and time characteristics of cerebral activity. The first type of disorders should be established if average amplitude of alpha and/or beta rhythm in frontal leads of right hemisphere is below than in frontal leads of left hemisphere by above 40-50%. The second type of EEG disorders is established in cases if average amplitude of alpha and/or beta rhythm in frontal leads of right hemisphere is below than in frontal leads of left hemisphere by above 40-50% and additionally average amplitude of alpha and/or beta rhythm in left occipital leads is decreased against right hemisphere by above 40-50%. Patients with the first type of EEG disorders should be affected with binaural sound waves at frequencies being correspondent to average frequencies of alpha and/or beta rhythm in right frontal leads. Patients with the second type of EEG disorders should be affected with the set of frequencies that corresponds to alpha and/or beta rhythm of right frontal lead and frequency that corresponds to alpha and/or beta rhythm of left occipital lead. At detecting delta and/or theta activity in EEG being above 50-60 mcV, the set of frequencies of binaural impact should be supplemented with the frequency that is distinct from the frequency of delta and/or theta activity by 1-2 Hz, not less. The time for impact during one seance corresponds to about 30-40 min, the quantity of seances ranges 5-20, and more. The innovation widens the quantity of means for rehabilitation of human emotional-effective disorders.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of rehabilitation.
1 cl, 3 ex, 1 tbl