FIELD: radiolocation.
SUBSTANCE: in accordance to the invention, on a round platform, meant for placement of large-dimensional object, supported by air cushion or vertical shaft, mounted in a well of foundation, at its center a metallic area in form of truncated cone, closed on top, is rigidly held at its center. Height of area is determined from formula Har0,71(Hob-Hch), where Hob, Hch - height of object and height of its wheel chassis. Diameter of upper part of area equals diameter of platform, and diameter of lower part - Dar l = Dar u + 2Harctgα, where Dar u - diameter of upper part of area and α - inclination angle of cone generatrix.
EFFECT: increased precision when measuring reverse dissipation diagrams of large dimension objects near underlying surface in millimeter-decimeter wave length ranges with simultaneous expansion of area of usage of device.
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