FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with studying human body state: detecting the values of functional state of central nervous system (CNS) in tested people, principles in functioning of information-analytical cerebral structures and prognostic evaluation for the successfulness of professional activity. One should detect integral value of CNS functional state calculated as an average-weighed value of a rank position in a team detected by criterional parameters. As the criterional parameters mentioned it is necessary to apply the excitability of nervous centers and liability of nervous processes detected by critical frequency of fibrillations fusion in cortical centers of a visual analyzer for right and left cerebral hemispheres separately; the rate of sensory information perception and elaboration of solution upon motor reaction in motor cortex of right and left cerebral hemispheres separately; the degree of inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry of large hemispheres detected by the values of excitability of nervous centers to test-signals of different color; the degree of inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry of large hemispheres detected by the time of visual-motor reactions to light signals given in right and left visual semi-fields and implementation of motor reactions with a hand controlled out of the same cerebral hemisphere where that light test-stimulus is addressed to; the degree of psycho-emotional strain detected as the difference between the values of excitability of nervous centers to test-signals of red and green color; dominating algorithm of functioning in CNS information-analytical structures by inter-hemispheric functional asymmetry of large hemispheres. The innovation enables to increase the significance of integral evaluation of functional CNS readiness to the responsibility-based professional activity under conditions of high psycho-emotional strain.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of ranging.
1 cl, 3 ex, 2 tbl