FIELD: medicine; chemical-pharmaceutical industry.
SUBSTANCE: method includes hair coat removal from antlers and cutting of antlers for slizes, removal of hair coat at that is carried our by burning on open flame that is followed with cleaning. Burning and cleaning are interchanged until all the hairs are removed completely at cycle number from 2 to 10. After complete hair coat removal antlers are rinsed with running water, soaked in alcohol-containing solution during 0.5-20 days at pressure 0.01...0.9 atm, after that they are put vertically with top downwards into hermetically sealed container for 0.5-14 days. Then antlers are cut for slizes of raw thickness from 0.5 to 10 mm and dried at temperature from 10°...35°C during 2...96 hours.
EFFECT: provides end products ready for retail and not required after-treatment processing; reduction of subquality product volumes; minimization of time and human resources required for end products.
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