FIELD: non-destructive testing.
SUBSTANCE: coil inductance is measured together with cylindrical samples having the length ls five times more than their diameter ds(Lc.s. ). then the samples are removed from the coil and the coil inductance is measured in the ambient air (Lc.a.), the magnetic permeability of chosen zone material μs= Lc.s./ Lc.a. is determined; the sample electrical Rs resistance is measured and its material conductivity σ is calculated by formula σs=4ls/πRs(ds)2 at that beforehand the transducer is affixed to the particular zone, the inductance of the transducer with the part Lp is measured and using the value of transducer ambient air inductance La the conditional part magnetic permeability in chosen zone is calculated by formula μp.c..=Lp/La then the correction coefficient is calculated by formula Kμ=μs /μp.c.. After that transducer is affixed to the zones of remaining i parts of the lot and Lpi is measured; then the zone conditional part magnetic permeability of every i-th part of the lot μp.c.i =Lp.i/La is calculated and magnetic permeability μp.i = μp.c.i.Kμ is determined. In addition in the chosen zone of entire parts on the base equal to ls and on a frequency of ωs.=l/π(ds)2μs σs the electrical resistance Rp is measured in the layer with thickness ds; the conditional specific conductivity of the particular zone.
EFFECT: SUBSTANCE: σc=ls/2Rp(ds)2 and the correction coefficient Kσ=σs/ σc are calculated For the remaining parts of the lot as well as for parts used in the articles in the same zones on the base ls and on the same frequency of ωs the Rpi is measured and σci is calculated, then the zone specific conductivity of every i-th part is determined by formula σip=Kσσci.
EFFECT: development of the effective express method of magnetic permeability and non-destructive testing of specific conductivity in parts particular zones.