FIELD: physics, computer facilities.
SUBSTANCE: invention concerns the written down optical information carrier, and to the method and the device for formation of calibration zones of optimum power on such written down optical information carrier. The carrier (100) contains a considerable quantity of recording layers L0,..., Ln-1, parted by an interleaf material. Each recording layer contains a zone (101, 111, 121, 131) of calibration of the optimum power, containing the first site (102, 112, 122) with medial value of reflexion, indicative for the written down stratum, and the second site (113, 123, 133) with medial value of reflexion, indicative for not written down stratum. Zones of calibration of optimum power are partially overlapped from a requirement that bands of calibration of optimum power of each pair of recording layers following one after another shaped a step, and the first sites of a considerable quantity of recording layers looked like of some steps. Each step generated by a pair of stratums following one after another k, k+1 record, has the preferable underload size of a step.
EFFECT: making of the device for formation of calibration zones of optimum power on the written down optical information carrier.
13 cl, 5 dwg