FIELD: mining.
SUBSTANCE: facility for removing filter cake from well with uncased borehole consists of sealing element designed for installation in well and creating chamber with pressure below pressure in borehole of well in chosen interval and, at least, one opening selectively opened to facilitate communication between chamber and interval of well borehole and capable, when opened, to provide flow of fluid medium into chamber and create conditions of transient negative differential pressure in interval of well borehole for removing filter cake from chosen interval of well. The sealing element and, at least, one opening are configured on base of conditions of transient negative differential pressure determined in correspondence with empirical data or imitation modeling performed with software support for characteristics of well interval, wherein said conditions are created.
EFFECT: upgraded efficiency of cleaning well borehole and filtration channels, connecting natural fractures of formation and providing new technologies for usage of drilling agent under conditions of complicated rock deposited under surface.
14 cl, 20 dwg