FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, namely to traumatology and or orthopedy and can be applied in operative treatment of dislocation fractures in ankle joint with subcapital fractures of fibula. Essence of method consists in the following: after recovery of anterior tibiofibular ligament, fibula is fixed in fibular incisure of shin-bone with positional screw, drawn obliquely from back towards anterior side at angle 25-30°, starting dorsolaterally and in ventral direction through all cortical layers of fibula and shin-bone, 2-3 cm higher than ankle-joint. From posterior-medial cut region of medial malleolus is exposed, mobilisation of distal fragment and cleaning of injured structures are carried out. From anterior-lateral cut distal end of fibula is exposed, through region of anterior tibiofibular ligament disruption revision of fibular incisure is performed. Under visual control pronation-eversion subluxation of ankle bone and rotation displacement of fibula outwards in fibular incisure is eliminated. Fibula is temporarily fixed with pin drawn through fibula and anterior hillock of fibular incisure ankle. Through made posterior-medial cut injured bone-ligament structures of inner part of ankle joint are restored. Operation is finished with restoration of anterior tibiofibular ligament.
EFFECT: method allows to increase efficiency of operative treatment of injured people with said type of trauma, reduce the terms of their temporary disability.
1 ex, 3 dwg