FIELD: information technologies.
SUBSTANCE: system of wireless communication includes multiple units of wireless transmission/reception (WTRU) and multiple basic service sets (BSS). At least one WTRU belongs to each BSS. WTRU of source, which wishes to send a packet WDS to destination WTRU in another BSS, sends a notice on availability (AN) in WTRU, with which source of WTRU is connected, to specify that WTRU of source will not be available for reception of data. WTRU of source then addresses the channel, in which destination WTRU is located, and sends the packet to destination WTRU. After transmission of packet, or reception of reception confirmation from destination WTRU, WTRU of source returns back to initial channel.
EFFECT: invention allows to transfer packets, less amount of service signal data is required, increased capacity of WDS.
40 cl, 7 dwg