FIELD: power industry.
SUBSTANCE: plant (10) for liquefaction of natural gas includes at least row (1) of in-series installed heat exchangers of preliminary cooling, which includes end heat exchanger (2a) for cooling flow (90) of natural gas, distributor (4) arranged upstream end heat exchanger, which is intended for separation of flow (90) of natural gas into the first and the second sub-flows of natural gas, the first and the second cryogenic systems (200, 200'). Each of systems (200, 200') includes the main heat exchanger having the first hot side with one inlet made for receipt of the first and the second natural gas sub-flows respectively, and outlet for liquefied natural gas, and circulation circuit of the main cooling agent for heat removal from natural gas flowing through the first hot side of the appropriate main heat exchanger. Heat exchangers of the row of in-series connected heat exchangers for preliminary cooling are the part of one and the same cooling agent circulation circuit.
EFFECT: simplifying the gas liquefaction plant and providing alternative plant allowing to meet various process requirements for liquefied natural gas.
12 cl, 6 dwg