FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, food and cosmetic industry. Mixture of superdispersed powder from cysts or nauplii, or adult maxillopods Artemia saline is prepared with polar extractant in the form of water or water-glycerin solution with initial content of polar extractant of at least 40 wt %. Multiple extraction is carried out, at least for 3 times, each time draining at least 4 volumes of extract and with renewal of extractant in process of mixing, extract is filtered, and its parts are combined. Residue is removed, and polar extractant is distilled from Artemia extract. Prior to preparation, to extraction of mixture of initial components, the following components are added to polar extractant - non-polar extractant in the ratio of at least 1:1 and solubiliser with hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of at least 12.0, and its content in the mixture of extractants makes not more than 7.0 wt %. Ratio of superdispersed powder from cysts or nauplii or adult maxillopod Artemia saline and prepared mixture of extractants with solubiliser makes not more than 1:5. Content of polar extractant in water or water-glycerin solution during its renewal in process of multiple extraction of raw materials is subsequently increased from 40 to 70 wt %. Prior to distillation of polar extractant is separated into hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions by means of settling for at least 5 hours and draining lipophilic fraction. Hydrophilic fraction of product is exposed to distillation of polar dissolvent.
EFFECT: invention makes it possible to reduce losses of biologically active substances in process of their extraction from raw materials.
12 cl, 14 ex, 2 tbl