FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to methods of functional diagnostics of cardio-vascular system, and is intended for early diagnostics of myocardium state. Linear sensor of ultrasonic apparatus with frequency 3.5 mHz is installed into fourth or fifth intercostal space near left edge of breast bone. Image of left myocardium ventricle is taken in systole and diastole. Dimensions of left myocardium ventricle, thickness of posterior wall of left myocardium ventricle, thickness of inter-ventricular septum and final diastolic volume are determined, weight of left ventricle myocardium (WLVM) is calculated. Area of patient's body surface is calculated, after which stroke volume (SV) and stroke index are determined by certain formulas. Image of left myocardium ventricle is taken three times. Results are averaged. After that, coefficient of correspondence C c between stroke volume and left ventricle myocardium weight is calculated by certain formula. Functional index of correspondence (FIC), expressed by ratio Cc/Cn, where Cn is coefficient of ratio of normal SV value to normal WLVM value, equal 0.5, is calculated. If FIC is higher than 1.1 early stage of left ventricle dysfunction, accompanied by hyperkinetic type of hemodynamics is stated. If FIC is from 0.8 to 1.1 normal state of myocardium is stated. In case if FIC value is lower than 0.8, diastolic dysfunction of left ventricle is stated.
EFFECT: method makes it possible to reduce error of myocardium state diagnostics without additional examination.
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