FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: takeoff of dominant harmonic current is carried out by means of a fully controlled transistor WPM-rectifier, which is controlled by means of a modulating signal proportional to a current signal of the specified harmonic from higher ones, which is previously extracted from non-sinusoidal current of a power system. Energy of higher harmonics is used to supply a DC load or independently, in case the capacity of the higher harmonic is sufficient for it, or together with energy of the main harmonic, besides, in the last case the current picking is controlled by means of a sum of signals, one of which is proportional to a current signal of the specified harmonic from the higher ones, and the other one - to a current of the main frequency harmonic. In both cases control signals are previously extracted from non-sinusoidal current leaking in the power system.
EFFECT: reduction of levels of higher harmonic components in a supply power system and increased efficiency of power usage.
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