FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: method of determining rhodium in aqueous solutions by stripping voltammetry based on the peak of selective electrooxidation of copper from RhxCuy according to the invention involves converting rhodium (III) in the solution to a chloride complex and performing voltammetric determination, wherein rhodium ions are accumulated on a soot electrode in a stirred solution in the presence of copper (II) ions for 60-120 s, followed by detection of anodic peaks of selective electrooxidation of copper from the intermetallic compound RhxCuy at potential sweep rate of 60-100 mV/s at electrolysis potential of minus 0.8 V on a background electrolyte of 1 M HCl, and concentration of rhodium ions is determined from the height of the of the copper anodic peak on the current versus voltage curve in the potential range of 0.1 to 0.2 V relative a saturated silver chloride electrode by standard addition method.
EFFECT: lowering the maximum and minimum levels of determined content of rhodium from the peak of electrooxidation of copper from the intermetallic compound RhxCuy.
2 dwg, 2 tbl, 2 ex