FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: method of determining rhodium in aqueous solutions by inversion voltammetry according to the peak of selective electrooxidation of bismuth from the intermetallic compound RhxBiy lies in the fact that rhodium (III) in the solution is transferred to a chloride complex, in solution 1 M HCl electroreduction of rhodium (III) together with bismuth (III) in the "in situ" mode on the surface of a composite graphite electrode modified with bismuth prepared by the method of "injection moulding" in a stirred solution with an electrolysis potential minus 0.8 V for 120 seconds with subsequent registration of anode peaks of selective electrooxidation of bismuth from the intermetallic compound RhxBiy in the differential-pulse mode with a sweep rate of 80 mV/s. The concentration of rhodium (III) ions is determined by the method of adding certified mixtures to the height of the anode peaks on the differential-impulse voltage-current curve of the potential range from minus 0.06 to 0 V with respect to the saturated silver chloride electrode.
EFFECT: reduction of the limit and the lower limit of the determined rhodium contents.
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